Our Approach
Summer Enrichment
Our summer program is a joyful six weeks of structured, summer learning activities that promote healthy youth development. The following are the essential opportunities we offer to our students every summer:
Academic Instruction– We reverse summer learning loss by engaging our students in a high-quality curriculum personalized for their specific needs. Our students benefit from a 5:1 student-teacher ratio and individualized support and attention.
Nutrition– Every Horizons student receives a minimum of two meals and one snack daily to address their physical needs and help close the hunger gap that exists for many children who depend on Free/Reduced Price Lunch during the school year.
Swimming Lessons– Most students come to the program as non-swimmers who are afraid of the water. Swimming is not only a life-saving skill, but by learning to swim, our students also build trust and self-esteem – qualities which influence success in the classroom.
Field Trips– Our students expand their horizons by exploring what the Asheville community has to offer on field trips. Interested in hosting a field trip for our students? Please contact us to collaborate!
Transportation– We provide transportation to and from our campus, field trips, swimming, and all special events, ensuring equitable access for all nominated students to fully participate.
Music & Dance Lessons– Our young scholars love to sing, dance, and drum, and our staff does, too! At the six weeks’ conclusion, our bright shining stars get to show off what they have learned for their parents at our popular end-of-summer celebration!
Arts & Crafts– We encourage our students to embrace creativity all summer long, but especially so during arts & crafts time- no summer would be complete without rock painting, friendship bracelets, and tie-dye!
Reading Buddies– Each student is paired with a volunteer for 1:1 reading practice. There is a special bond between our students and volunteers, and reading together helps inspire a love of learning and provides ample opportunities to engage the imagination!
School-Year Outreach
While our “Six Weeks Of Happiness” over the summer are the heart of the Horizons approach, our commitment to our students and families continues year-round. Some of our school year outreach includes:
School-Year Tutoring Program– We offer all of our students the opportunity to attend both 1:1 and group tutoring sessions multiple times a week throughout the school year. At this time, we are offering online classes tailored to fit our families’ scheduling needs.
Holiday Parties– Whether at our annual Halloween bash, the bowling alley, swimming pool, or potluck dinner, our great big Horizons family loves to come together and have fun!
Family Check-ins– During family check-ins, we don't just inquire about our students, but their parents and siblings as well. We know our students' success is largely dependent on the well-being of their families, which is why we do all we can to ensure our Horizons families are supported and primed for success.
Food, Clothing & Book Drives– Throughout the year, we run various food, clothing and book drives to benefit families in our Horizons community. The generosity we witness never ceases to amaze us.
Agency Referrals– Because we stay in close contact with our Horizons families, we often become aware of needs that arise. We connect our families to other agencies or services in the region and follow up to ensure they found the resources they needed.
School Visits– We are always met with surprised smiles when we show up to visit our students in the fall and spring of each school year. We love seeing that moment of recognition when it dawns on our students that Horizons is not just a one-time summer event, but a bigger part of their lives.
Meetings with Teachers and Administrators– Our close relationship with our two partner schools, Avery's Creek Elementary and Ira B. Jones Elementary, allows us to work in partnership with teachers and administrators to best serve our students needs. Because we involve our partner schools deeply in the selection of new students each year, collaboration is built into the process from the get go.